Sunday, August 7, 2011

First Official Posting. Stream of Conscious

I write in a style called stream of conscious. I learned it from our advanced English teacher in junior high school. They always labeled us the "gifted" kids and all we thought then was that we just did more work than anyone else in the damn school. Which was, of course, entirely true. Most of what I remember of the three years of junior high is blurred because the only memories that stand out are of work... If every kid worked as hard as we did, there would likely be little to no crime in the US simply because there would be no time left with which to commit the crime. Working us so hard in those few years of adolescence also had the charming effect of stunting our growth socially and physically. Lack of sleep and social interaction takes a toll on a child...
Thank you for reading!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

Hello viewers and readers! In this blog of mine we will be covering the foibles of basic life ranging from politics to controversial modern day events to new technology! Nothing is beyond discussion here, as this is a display of how open our world can be.

The wonderful formatting of the blogging post system allows me to put this picture of a happy dog on here, so that's exactly what I will do

Now I must warn you that I may tend to take a negative or satirical spin on certain things and that I am not always such a great fount of positivity as the above picture suggests... but I will keep it as positive as possible. Thank you for reading!